The nurse’s office has officially introduced a therapy dog named Chewy, a curly-haired golden doodle. His owner is the assistant nurse, Michelle Gillen. Bringing a dog into a school could be risky, but Chewy is the perfect addition to our Bison family. Chewy has been making his rounds in the classrooms and getting to know the students. Anytime Chewy enters a classroom or when students see him in the hallways, he immediately brightens moods.
“I think he is adorable, and he is really fluffy,” shared Amelia Nielsen. “I feel like petting him just makes you calmer.” Amelia hopes that Chewy will stay because he helps people.
Ms. Gillen, Chewy’s owner, works in the nurse’s office so he is in the perfect location to help calm and soothe students.
“Chewy is doing very well adapting to the school’s sounds and smells, and every day he is improving,” explains Ms. Gillen. “Everyone likes him!” She licensed Chewy for our school, because she wanted him to help students and make people happy.
Principal Dr. Carr had a therapy dog at Norris Middle School and is excited to have Chewy join our school family.
“I think it was wonderful for both students and staff,” shares Dr. Carr. “Everybody liked seeing the dog; it just made them happy and brightened the mood.” Dr. Carr said that some students who might have been afraid of dogs before are a little less afraid now.
It was an innovative idea to bring in a dog to the school, and the love for him is very evident and students yell out his name as he trots by. Students enjoy having a dog around to pet and snuggle with when they are in a bad mood or just to be around. If staff members would like to have Chewy visit their classrooms, they just have to fill out request forms and he will come on by.